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Sip on something hoppy to make yourself happy! IPAs are packed full of aromatic flavours, with hops taking centre stage. This drink’s distinctive taste is largely attributed to the flower’s unique bitterness. Not to mention, ingredients like fruits and oats can be added during the brewing process, meaning the range of IPA beer is ever-expanding.


The name stands for India Pale Ale. Despite this, IPAs originate in Britain. Thirsty sailors on long voyages to India would load beer barrels with hops. This handy additive worked to preserve the pints, allowing the crew to drink their way around the world.

This early British IPA is not the common style you’ll see in shops today. The uptake of ale in America inspired the scale of flavours and carbonation you can now find, while still retaining that hoppy backbone.

Taking on board the exciting influences of the US, we’ve brought IPAs back to the UK. Take your taste buds on a trip; browse our selection, today.

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