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There are few greater pleasures than listening to the crack and hiss of a cold can of lager opening. It’s almost ceremonial, as you pour out the liquid into your favourite glass, watch the condensation form and feel the first brush of foam tickle your lips. This beloved beverage is the bread and butter of the beer world.

What is the Difference Between Lager and Ale?

Much of the difference between lager and ale is down to the variety of hops and grains added during brewing. Yet, the main distinction actually comes from the yeast used to make them.

Ale utilises top-fermenting yeast that performs best in warm conditions, whereas lager uses bottom-fermenting yeast that thrives in cold environments. So, it’s no surprise that lager is best served cold.

Order Bold Beers Online

Whether it’s a multipack shared between friends or a refreshment on a summer's day, lager is the nation's favourite, and for good reason. Every pint offers a remarkable, thirst-quenching crispness and a well-rounded flavour, while its smoothness makes it so easy to drink.

Grab a can of Mixtape Helles Lager, our bold take on this classic style. Even better - it’s also gluten-free! Alternatively, browse our entire collection, today.

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