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The sharp bite of a sour beer reminds us of the cheek-tingling sensation of sherbet. If you’re the type to appreciate the tart taste of summer fruits, then this unusual style is sure to tempt you. Adding a zing of citrus puts a twist on the traditional ingredients in an average pint, creating a fresh and daring drink.

What makes this beverage extra special, is that the brewing process is a little more difficult than usual. Thanks to its unique taste, sour beer is growing in popularity, with more and more drinkers discovering its distinctive qualities. Fans of fruity flavours and lovers of craft beer alike can enjoy a glass or two.

What is in a Sour Beer?

Sour beer contains all of the typical ingredients: grains, water and hops. The main difference is how it’s then brewed. Each batch is fermented with wild bacterias that produce lactic acid, giving the beer its remarkably sour flavour.

Pick up a 6, 12 or 24-pack of one our sours. Try it today - it may just be your new drink of choice!

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